Monday, April 9, 2007

First Kirsten Dunst now Tobey is Frugal too

Maybe that is why the stars of theSpiderman series of movies don't get along, they are both cheapskates. From an interview with Parade magazine via AHN,

Maguire said: "I feel like you could drop me anywhere in the world,anonymously, and I'd figure out how to survive. If you stripped away everything I've got - the money, the fame, the possessions, everything - I know that I'd find a way to get along, because, basically, that's what I've had to do all my life."

"When I first started being successful at this, financially speaking, I was very conservative with my money. That was definitely a product of my upbringing. You know those Lotto winners who win big and then blow all the money? That would never happen to me."

Thursday, April 5, 2007

My American Idol Prediction:

Next Round: Phil Stacey is voted off
(reason: Haley picks up Gina's Votes)
The Top Seven

Next Round: Haley is voted off, leaving:
The Top Six

Next Round: Lakisha is voted off, Jordin picks up Haley's Votes, leaving:
The Top Five

Next Round: Sanyaya is finally voted, off, leaving:
The Top Four

Next Round: Chris is voted off
The Top Three

Jordin gets Voted off, leaving Blake & Melinda

Blake wins American Idol

I think Blake ultimately wins, because he will capture more votes from
other casted off Contestants, than Melinda will. Even though Melinda is currently
the front runner. Melinda has been getting a little bit boring.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Change your Airfilter Save $

I've been monitoring my house with a BlueLine Energy monitor. It's a device that watches how much electricity my house uses in real time. Well it came in handy in determining how to save a little money on the air conditioner. I have very expensive air filters in my home, they are sized 25x24x4 and run about $30 at Lowes or Home Depot. I tend to try to let them stay up there and run as long as possible. I noticed once they start getting clogged a bit, I can begin to hear the air conditioner work harder, and hear a slight whistle when it gets really clogged.

Well I had calendered to change it out at 6 months, which would have been February, so two months later, I did a baseline cost of running the a/c with the dirty filter which was .35 cents an hour. After putting in the new filter, the cost was now running at .32 cents an hour. This doesn't sound like much, but over the span of a month during the summertime with both of my filters running part time, that is going to be a savings of between $14 and $20 a month. If I was to delay a filter change over the summer, it is false economy to stretch the filter life by very much, plus the extra wear and tear on the fan motors.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Retrocausality Universe

We have grown up and lived in a causality universe, at least that is the way we interpret the world around us. Everything in our entire lives has been the result of cause and effect. Can you think of a single thing that occurred, that didn't have a reason for the event to unfold. Thus we live in a universe of causality. Now in the physics that underly quantum physics, we find that the rules don't seem to behave the same way as they do at higher, more physical levels that we have tangible access to. Thus some interesting possibilities might be at play, and the potential for some surreal inventions may lie in wair for those that can unlock new understandings of a possible universe that may have retro-causality. Events that happen not from past events in time, but future events in time!

Now scientist are hoping to to prove that retro-causality is possible, by a experiment that is designed to create a change in the current time from something that is started upon in the future. Ironic as it sounds, they will know the results before they start the experiment. Radical as it sounds, if they can prove it, it may be a fundamental leap in unifying Einsteinian physics with the Quantum physical world. I'm already a big fan of the unified string theory, that is currently holding that there may be eleven dimensions, and unlocking one of the first mysteries, may allow for the future invention of gravity defying hover craft much like we have seen in movies such as Star Wars. Currently the mathematical models for gravity are somehow flawed, as by every calculation, gravity should be much more powerful than what we experience. It should crush us like bugs, yet, 1+1 does not equal 2. It's a bit weaker, and we are all granted the luxury of standing up right. Where are all the extra gravitons going? String Theorist, theorize that they are transferring into another dimension.

Wild stuff, but once the dust settles, our universe is going to be turned upside down by the possibilities.

If you interested check out this article covering the intriguing reverse causality experiments that are planned.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Sound of Temperature

Riddle me this. Each morning when I take a shower, I first turn the shower water on, and wait for it to warm up. The shower naturally is the furtherest it could be from the hot water heater without being outside of the house. Thus it can take a minute or two to warm up. However I have become accustomed to know exactly when it is time to step into the warm water without even looking at shower for steam or touching the water. I can hear the pitch change in the flow of the water. However this morning I finally started thinking of the physics behind why this must be!

I am having a hard time grasping what must be at play to change the pitch. Is it the doppler effect, perhaps changing the the way sound waves travel from the water as it emerges from the shower head? Or does the water perhaps change the pattern of it's flow as it heats up? I will have to investigate and report back here.. But if you have the answer post a reply!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Private rocket reaches space!

Former Paypal creator Elon Musk launched a private rocket from the Marshall Islands, and it had a successful launch and did enter space, although it was lost once it started wobbling short of it's intended full ascent, it has still surpassed many of the most difficult hurdles for the private space market. These companies are going to in short order get the problems solved soon, and when they do they are going to be extremely profitable in getting goods and satellites into space. What for IPO's on some of these companies!

Check out their cool website

NY Times Article

Note, that NY Times is so negative on everything, they give the article a negative spin. If the ship had reached and maintained orbit. The article, would have been titled, "Private Space Companies still face Challenges"

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Elbo endorses: Jordin Spark's for American Idol

She did a tremendous job tonight, and won over new fans I'm sure. She's goofy, and a bit clumsy, but she doesn't have an agenda and she is just sweet! Go Jordin Go! And yeah, I'm too lazy to actually vote.

Billy Dodd! Posting on my blog is fast!

That's right! I can blog goodness in the time you can brew a pot of coffee!

Now Macs Save Money

I hate those new Apple commercials with the two guys, but the one about Vista is rather funny, and true. If you have worked with Vista and kept the default security settings, it will annoy any power user to death! Working in the IT field, and at one time in graphic design, I'm familiar to Mac's and their is a ever so slight shift to move business systems to Macs. While overall I find that PC's in general are much more versatile, running a much larger variety of applications. It may in some instances be beneficial to switch your business to a Macintosh environment, although their is going to be somewhat of a learning curve.

The main things Mac benefits are fewer crashes, probably due to fewer hardware configurations, and a much lower profile when it comes to suffering from viruses and the like.

I think the mentality that is leading the way to a resurgence of Macs in the workplace is directly related to this statement; "Less is more At one time, loading on more features was the mantra. When the iPod came out, critics said it didn't match rival devices, which boasted FM radios and bigger hard drives. But users wanted fewer features, and better ease of use. "That's why the iPod succeeded where its predecessor products bombed," Read the full article here.

But still overall the deployment to most offices is just not going to work due to the limitation of available workplace software. And running mixed environments is hard on the IT staff. Not to mention the training costs involved. However if Unbuntu or another flavor of Linux ever gets to be easy to use as as a Macintosh, then I can see a mass migration into Linux. Just based on cost savings alone.

Monday, March 19, 2007

53 Million = King Size Mattress

This was captured from a Drug Dealer. That's a lot of moola! See what a billion looks like here.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Kirsten Dunst is cheap like me

Kirsten, "I have my ID—it's so exciting," she says. "I was showing it to my girlfriends in the restaurant last night. I'm like, 'I can get money off movie tickets now!' " She erupts into giggles."

That's right Spiderman 3 star, is a university student now, and she is using her College ID, to get discounts on movie tickets. Wow I have new found respect for you Kirsten, which was completely lost on that crap film Antoinette.... You cheap skate! All similarities end there..

Full article here.

New Eyeballs and Spinal Cord

Saw this over on Wired, they are generating new eye balls with stem cell technology,
meaning people who haven't seen in 20-30 years can now see 20/20..

In other news some researches at Clemson are going to reveal something about regenerating spinal tissue. If only Christopher Reeve could have lived another decade.

Lots of advancements in these fields are coming in at a rapid pace, just last week there was news of a guy out of India that Japanese scientist were able to fix his paralysis using his own stem cells.

Ford Truck Month.. grrrrr

Have you ever noticed, that Texas ford dealers always run these commercials proclaiming it's Ford truck month! Not that this happens once a year, but every month of the year. That is so completely old and annoying. These guys can't think of anything better than to have a perpetual Ford truck month... How retarded, and boring.. They need to hire me to do their advertising campaign. End of rant

Boeing 747-400 versus Windows XP

I often get asked why computer networks and servers need continual maintenance and attention. I like using analogies, and used one the other day comparing Windows to a 747 in sophistication of the number of parts to it. Much like when you are sitting in a airliner at the gate, sometimes some last minute maintenance needs to be done before you can take your flight The same is true for your operating systems. The more complex a device is; the more possible points of failure and maintenance.

Afterwards I thought about my statements and researched it, the numbers to me are intriguing! I looked up a a familiar Boeing 747, which turns out to have a little over 6 million parts. That's a lot of parts; next Windows XP, which starts out with 40 million lines of code, Vista is up to 50 million lines of code. Throw in Microsoft Office, your various applications, drivers and all of the server hardware

In summary that's a lot for potential error, and with the continual use and upgrades, and changes, these machines just face a mathematical reality of having failures.

Per Boeing's website

Vista and Windows XP

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Vista vs. Unbuntu

My favorite Linux varient is shown here doing some snazzy visual tricks versus Vista. And also here actually looking even better. It really shows off what you can do with Unbuntu visually, but I think the style he used in this demo is a bit over the top, I would tame it down a bit, his desktop looks a bit clownish. If you haven't tried a Linux yet and want to dab in it, I recommend giving Unbuntu a go. Vista is pretty much a let down as a operating system right now, but I think it will live up to it's hype once the first service pack hits.

Coolest Thing since the Ipod

This new device looks to be completely awesome, it is called the Slacker. And it is a fusion of mp3 player, streaming internet audio, local radio stations, tv audio and it does all of this with a sweet 4 inch screen. It gets the signal via wi-fi or even satellite with car and home adapters available. The service works when you pick some of your favorite artists, and then it creates a radio station for you with the music you like, and you get to listen for free and skip up to 6 songs per hour, or you can pay $7 a month, and have unlimited control.

You can try out the web based version for free now, the device is going to run a very reasonable $150. I believe this has the potential to give Ipod and XM/Sirius some heavy competition.

Ambien wakes up the brain damaged

From Body hack, Apparently Ambien, the drug that also creates, sleep zombies. Is now able to wake up some brain damaged folks. Check it out here.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Truck Ugliness

Here is a 2009 Concept Truck for Dodge. Nice front end but the other side is all Buck Rogers. The 6 Door F-150, has to be a contractor truck. No way that will fly for consumers.

Rocket Dock is your ticket to desktop uberness

Hate them or love them, Apple has led the way in a number of innovations they have gotten to mass market first, such as the great Ipod interface, the GUI desktop, the mouse, the 3.5 floppy disk, better design, and now the "dock" Well some guys over at Punk Software have created a dock for XP/Vista, and it is pretty sweet. I'm not too much for junk applets but this one is really useful. If you have seen OSX you know what the dock is. It is basically a row of your favorite icons in a neat tight row, that get larger as you hover over them. This is useful because you can clean up your desktop icons with this nice alpha blending very customizable interface. I have mine set to auto-hide off the top center of the screen. You can also set your minimized items to drop to it. Best part it is free, no nagware, no adware. I've used it with both my Vista and my XP systems.

Get it here

Starbucks: Prepare to be assimilated

Their stock recently tanked, but consumerist whores rejoice with the news that Starbucks is going to open 40,000 new stores, half of which will be in the United States. I do believe the other half will be located within other Starbucks locations.

High Tea in the parlor makes the ladies hola !!


Cyborg arm

How cool is this! Check out the cyborg arm that the segway guy has built. Skynet is complete, the end must be near!

Sushi Monster Attacks Korea! Grab your Chop Sticks!

Korean's love to eat anything that crawls, slithers or blobs along in the sea, so this movie must have really been great for concession sales. This new Korean monster movie "The Host", has done awesome in Asia, and now we get a crack at it. Basically this huge sea monster comes raging in to destroy Korea. I haven't seen a new Asian monster movie in a long time. This one has to be fabulous, it is playing at the Angelika.

"Goo Goo, Ga Ga" is good for Babes

Research says 9 out of 10 babies like the baby talk, and it stimulates their brain activity.

Amanja-bob gives "300" two thumbs up!

An Iranian official on Sunday lashed out at the Hollywood movie "300" for insulting the Persian civilization. Thus they are basically giving the movie great publicity. They are being rewarded for taking on a movie no one wanted to distribute, and now no one wants to compete with it. I understand the movie is a silly bloodbath with great special effects. Regardless, so far the movie has raked in $70 million, which is excellent for this time of year, and garnered a 62% rating over on

As far as being a Guy's film, I hear it's the best thing since Gladiator, and basically guys are going to be lining up afterwards at the Spartan Recruiting Center to go sack Tehran next week.