Monday, April 9, 2007

First Kirsten Dunst now Tobey is Frugal too

Maybe that is why the stars of theSpiderman series of movies don't get along, they are both cheapskates. From an interview with Parade magazine via AHN,

Maguire said: "I feel like you could drop me anywhere in the world,anonymously, and I'd figure out how to survive. If you stripped away everything I've got - the money, the fame, the possessions, everything - I know that I'd find a way to get along, because, basically, that's what I've had to do all my life."

"When I first started being successful at this, financially speaking, I was very conservative with my money. That was definitely a product of my upbringing. You know those Lotto winners who win big and then blow all the money? That would never happen to me."

Thursday, April 5, 2007

My American Idol Prediction:

Next Round: Phil Stacey is voted off
(reason: Haley picks up Gina's Votes)
The Top Seven

Next Round: Haley is voted off, leaving:
The Top Six

Next Round: Lakisha is voted off, Jordin picks up Haley's Votes, leaving:
The Top Five

Next Round: Sanyaya is finally voted, off, leaving:
The Top Four

Next Round: Chris is voted off
The Top Three

Jordin gets Voted off, leaving Blake & Melinda

Blake wins American Idol

I think Blake ultimately wins, because he will capture more votes from
other casted off Contestants, than Melinda will. Even though Melinda is currently
the front runner. Melinda has been getting a little bit boring.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Change your Airfilter Save $

I've been monitoring my house with a BlueLine Energy monitor. It's a device that watches how much electricity my house uses in real time. Well it came in handy in determining how to save a little money on the air conditioner. I have very expensive air filters in my home, they are sized 25x24x4 and run about $30 at Lowes or Home Depot. I tend to try to let them stay up there and run as long as possible. I noticed once they start getting clogged a bit, I can begin to hear the air conditioner work harder, and hear a slight whistle when it gets really clogged.

Well I had calendered to change it out at 6 months, which would have been February, so two months later, I did a baseline cost of running the a/c with the dirty filter which was .35 cents an hour. After putting in the new filter, the cost was now running at .32 cents an hour. This doesn't sound like much, but over the span of a month during the summertime with both of my filters running part time, that is going to be a savings of between $14 and $20 a month. If I was to delay a filter change over the summer, it is false economy to stretch the filter life by very much, plus the extra wear and tear on the fan motors.