Monday, April 9, 2007

First Kirsten Dunst now Tobey is Frugal too

Maybe that is why the stars of theSpiderman series of movies don't get along, they are both cheapskates. From an interview with Parade magazine via AHN,

Maguire said: "I feel like you could drop me anywhere in the world,anonymously, and I'd figure out how to survive. If you stripped away everything I've got - the money, the fame, the possessions, everything - I know that I'd find a way to get along, because, basically, that's what I've had to do all my life."

"When I first started being successful at this, financially speaking, I was very conservative with my money. That was definitely a product of my upbringing. You know those Lotto winners who win big and then blow all the money? That would never happen to me."

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