Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Rocket Dock is your ticket to desktop uberness

Hate them or love them, Apple has led the way in a number of innovations they have gotten to mass market first, such as the great Ipod interface, the GUI desktop, the mouse, the 3.5 floppy disk, better design, and now the "dock" Well some guys over at Punk Software have created a dock for XP/Vista, and it is pretty sweet. I'm not too much for junk applets but this one is really useful. If you have seen OSX you know what the dock is. It is basically a row of your favorite icons in a neat tight row, that get larger as you hover over them. This is useful because you can clean up your desktop icons with this nice alpha blending very customizable interface. I have mine set to auto-hide off the top center of the screen. You can also set your minimized items to drop to it. Best part it is free, no nagware, no adware. I've used it with both my Vista and my XP systems.

Get it here

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