Friday, March 16, 2007

Boeing 747-400 versus Windows XP

I often get asked why computer networks and servers need continual maintenance and attention. I like using analogies, and used one the other day comparing Windows to a 747 in sophistication of the number of parts to it. Much like when you are sitting in a airliner at the gate, sometimes some last minute maintenance needs to be done before you can take your flight The same is true for your operating systems. The more complex a device is; the more possible points of failure and maintenance.

Afterwards I thought about my statements and researched it, the numbers to me are intriguing! I looked up a a familiar Boeing 747, which turns out to have a little over 6 million parts. That's a lot of parts; next Windows XP, which starts out with 40 million lines of code, Vista is up to 50 million lines of code. Throw in Microsoft Office, your various applications, drivers and all of the server hardware

In summary that's a lot for potential error, and with the continual use and upgrades, and changes, these machines just face a mathematical reality of having failures.

Per Boeing's website

Vista and Windows XP

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