Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Sound of Temperature

Riddle me this. Each morning when I take a shower, I first turn the shower water on, and wait for it to warm up. The shower naturally is the furtherest it could be from the hot water heater without being outside of the house. Thus it can take a minute or two to warm up. However I have become accustomed to know exactly when it is time to step into the warm water without even looking at shower for steam or touching the water. I can hear the pitch change in the flow of the water. However this morning I finally started thinking of the physics behind why this must be!

I am having a hard time grasping what must be at play to change the pitch. Is it the doppler effect, perhaps changing the the way sound waves travel from the water as it emerges from the shower head? Or does the water perhaps change the pattern of it's flow as it heats up? I will have to investigate and report back here.. But if you have the answer post a reply!

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